‘City of Caution’ Considers Customers (3min) This article should strike a chord with anyone who’s ever experienced the pain and frustration of dealing with government red tape and regulation. An amusing take on Adelaide city council’s efforts to understand, articulate and amend aspects of their constituent’s ‘Customer Experience Journey’. |
The What, Why and How of Customer-Centricity (3min) Many business leaders recognise the need for a greater focus on customer in their decision making processes, but struggle to make this work in practice. This article answers the question of what it means to be customer-centric; why customer-centricity is important and how to become customer-centric through deeper understanding of customer experience. |
Australia’s Most Innovative Companies Revealed (3min) The winners of the 2019 AFR BOSS Most Innovative Companies awards have just been announced. For the first time, the awards have been broken down into 10 industry categories, with innovation efforts focused on customer and employee experience high on the judges’ agenda. |
Bupa Chooses a Customer First Approach (1min) Big changes at Bupa as the role of Chief Marketing Officer is effectively made redundant and a new customer officer is appointed to ensure ‘…all aspects of company strategy are focused on delivering for the customer.’ |
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