3 Reasons Why Customer Empathy Matters (2-3min) Fresh off the press, in her new book, Alex Allwood argues that customer empathy is essential to realising the promised returns of CX effort. In this exclusive she outlines the 3 reasons why customer empathy is so important in successful customer experience management and design. |
How Canva Enables Cross-Functional Design (5-6min) CMO magazine shares this interview from Facebook’s Zero Friction Future interview series, where Canva CEO Melanie Perkins, explains how the company’s business platform, Canva for Enterprise, is enabling company-wide, cross-functional contributions to branded design. |
AI Teaching EQ – What Could Possibly Go Wrong (3min) New technology enablers such as artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality are increasingly sought after by companies seeking to identify and optimise soft skills such as empathy and collaboration. This article identifies three ways technology is enabling better soft skills – and some of the unintended consequences. |
In the News – Choice Claims Customer Confusion (4-5min) We all watch what we eat – right? The ABC reports on a recent Choice survey testing the efficacy of the current Health Star Rating System – where only 30% of packaged foods are rated! Take the quick quiz and see how well you fare choosing healthy foods without the stars to guide you. |
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