Tech: The Smallest Showroom in the World (3-30min)
VW steps into the experience economy – leading the way with the launch of their new Augmented Reality (AR)-powered showroom which enables shoppers to try a VW experience, fully customise their vehicle and buy from the comfort of their lounge. Accompanying the article is a video by CXO Jason Bradshaw explaining the AI concept and providing an interesting peek into the future of shopping.
Leadership: Customer-Led Innovation (3min)
Five of CMO Magazine’s Top 50 CMO’s share their innovation learnings during 2020. They discuss transforming their organisations through purpose, customer experience, operations, marketing and new ways of working. Suncorp’s CMO says, “We are changing the way we work to meet that opportunity for improvement in customer experiences and in operational efficiency through better gathering of data and automation.” Some great take-outs here.
Insight: Sense-Making, Digital Ecosystems & AI (3min)
With the rapid shifts in consumer behaviour, technology and economic uncertainty, this latest article from MIT prescribes embracing sense-making through curiosity, creativity and perspective-taking as a way to understand complexity. Whilst the context here is supply chains, there’s excellent learnings for leaders amid the chaos, around future proofing, investing in enterprise architecture, digital ecosystems and artificial intelligence.
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