Google’s Murky Customer Workarounds (3min)
If it’s free then you are the product, writes the author of this NY Times article. Google has long profited from scraping user data, but in line with shifting customer attitudes, they enabled customers to stop location tracking. What surprised them – customers opted out! Google then developed tech workarounds to keep tracking switched on. Take a deep dive into the murky waters of big tech privacy and reflect on what this means for digital marketing to customers.
The Digitisation of an 80-Year-Old Brand (3min)
Think about the transformation of an 80-year-old brand, one with a distinct analogue proposition. This HBR article explores the challenging digital transformation of IKEA; how to sustain their organisational culture, digitise operations: inventory, logistics, fulfilment and supply chain, and embed the way to get things done day-to-day.
Stealing Customer-Centric Secrets from the Best (2min)
In this article for Inc, author of the book, ‘The Amazon Way’, John Rossman translates Amazon’s customer-centric culture and management practices into 4 usable opportunities. Our favourite, “Conduct your conversations and treatment of customers as if you were talking to your mum.”
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