Dirty Experience Design Secrets (2-3min)
A must-read from FastCompany for CX, Service Design and Experience Design folk. Alex read this article and gasped at the ‘dirty secret’ the author claims has been “…long accepted as a normal consequence of working in a field that balances creativity and research.” Read about why human-centred design practices are failing and how to remedy this problem.
An Ethical Question on Customer Deception (2min)
Good reading in the New York Times this week with an editorial based on an ethical question, ‘Is It OK for My Boss to Use a Fake Identity With Customers?’ What comes to mind is our willingness and ability to take a customer’s perspective and ask, how much does it matter to your customer to know?
Understanding the Impact of Empathy (2min)
This week’s World Economic Forum editorial discusses why empathy in the workplace is critical in the post-pandemic world. New research shows 61% of employees with highly empathic leaders report being often or always more innovative compared to only 13% with less empathic leaders. The author shares three ‘how to’s to implement and embed workplace empathy practices.
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